full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Chris Bangle: Great cars are great art

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And I've got to tell you, this was one seriously quiet lunch. The engineers all sat at one end of the table, the designers and I sat at the other end of the tlabe, really quiet. And I was just fucking furious, furious. OK? Probably because they had all the fun and I didn't, you know. That's what you get fiuuors about right? And somebody asked me about ctnhareie, my wife, you know, did she fly out with me or something? I said, "No," and it triggered a set of thoughts about my wife. And I recalled that when Catherine and I were married, the priest gave a very nice sermon, and he said something very important. He said, "Love is not selfish," he said, "Love does not mean counting how many times I say, 'I love you.' It doesn't mean you had sex this many tiems this month, and it's two times less than last month, so that means you don't love me as much. Love is not selfish." And I thought about this, and I thought, "You know, I'm not showing love here. I'm seriously not showing love. I'm in the air, I'm in the air without trsut. This cannot be. This cannot be that I'm expecting a certain nbemur of sketches, and to me that's my quantification method for qfnuaiiylg a team. This cannot be."

Open Cloze

And I've got to tell you, this was one seriously quiet lunch. The engineers all sat at one end of the table, the designers and I sat at the other end of the _____, really quiet. And I was just fucking furious, furious. OK? Probably because they had all the fun and I didn't, you know. That's what you get _______ about right? And somebody asked me about _________, my wife, you know, did she fly out with me or something? I said, "No," and it triggered a set of thoughts about my wife. And I recalled that when Catherine and I were married, the priest gave a very nice sermon, and he said something very important. He said, "Love is not selfish," he said, "Love does not mean counting how many times I say, 'I love you.' It doesn't mean you had sex this many _____ this month, and it's two times less than last month, so that means you don't love me as much. Love is not selfish." And I thought about this, and I thought, "You know, I'm not showing love here. I'm seriously not showing love. I'm in the air, I'm in the air without _____. This cannot be. This cannot be that I'm expecting a certain ______ of sketches, and to me that's my quantification method for __________ a team. This cannot be."


  1. qualifying
  2. trust
  3. times
  4. table
  5. catherine
  6. furious
  7. number

Original Text

And I've got to tell you, this was one seriously quiet lunch. The engineers all sat at one end of the table, the designers and I sat at the other end of the table, really quiet. And I was just fucking furious, furious. OK? Probably because they had all the fun and I didn't, you know. That's what you get furious about right? And somebody asked me about Catherine, my wife, you know, did she fly out with me or something? I said, "No," and it triggered a set of thoughts about my wife. And I recalled that when Catherine and I were married, the priest gave a very nice sermon, and he said something very important. He said, "Love is not selfish," he said, "Love does not mean counting how many times I say, 'I love you.' It doesn't mean you had sex this many times this month, and it's two times less than last month, so that means you don't love me as much. Love is not selfish." And I thought about this, and I thought, "You know, I'm not showing love here. I'm seriously not showing love. I'm in the air, I'm in the air without trust. This cannot be. This cannot be that I'm expecting a certain number of sketches, and to me that's my quantification method for qualifying a team. This cannot be."

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
deep blue 3
problem talking 2
engineers tend 2
phone number 2
showing love 2

Important Words

  1. air
  2. asked
  3. catherine
  4. counting
  5. designers
  6. engineers
  7. expecting
  8. fly
  9. fucking
  10. fun
  11. furious
  12. gave
  13. important
  14. love
  15. lunch
  16. married
  17. means
  18. method
  19. month
  20. nice
  21. number
  22. priest
  23. qualifying
  24. quantification
  25. quiet
  26. recalled
  27. sat
  28. selfish
  29. sermon
  30. set
  31. sex
  32. showing
  33. sketches
  34. table
  35. team
  36. thought
  37. thoughts
  38. times
  39. triggered
  40. trust
  41. wife